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Machine Check Analysis Tool [Win/Mac]

Machine Check Analysis Tool Crack Activation Code PC/Windows ======================================= NAME: MCAT.exe ARCHITECTURE: Windows, x86, 32-bit COMPANY: Digital Symmetry PRODUCT: MCAT.exe INTENDED DEVICE TYPE: PC VERSION: MAJOR VERSION: 0.0.0 MINOR VERSION: 0.0.0 SPELL: OEM: Digital Symmetry PRODUCT SUPPORT: full support URL: At runtime the MCAT.exe should look like the following: NOTE: MCA Logs are similar to Windows Error Logs and indicate MCA Error events occurring on a system. ----------------------------------------------------------------- List of available Commands: You can use the following commands from the command line to decode MCA logs: Usage: MCAT [COMMAND] ARGUMENT... COMMAND is a synonym for the second argument. ARGUMENT is any command line argument that can be set on the command line and can be set in any order. To get a synopsis of all available commands type: MCAT /? Please note that an ARGUMENT may not be set in all cases. To get a list of all command line arguments use the following: MCAT /? ARGUMENTS To get help for a command use: MCAT /? [COMMAND] Command line Examples: It's possible to set a command line argument from within the scripting language, using the syntax specified below. # Establish the optional last argument. opts.argNum = argIndex; argIndex = argNum - 1; break; case "4": // Set the optional last argument value from // the command line. opts.argNum = argIndex; argIndex = argNum - 1; break; } if(opts.argNum > 0) argIndex = opts.argNum; } [[--set]] = [[--set]] Sets the command line argument ARG to the value VALUE. --set Change an argument on the command line. # Establish the optional first argument. opts.argNum = argIndex; argIndex = argNum - 1; break; case "8": // Set the optional first argument value from Machine Check Analysis Tool Crack + The machine check analysis tool can be used to decode and decode a Windows System error log. It's main purpose is to decode the MCA log files, which are the core MCA data specification. The MCA specification is supported as a command line tool since K8. This is a command line tool so it has no GUI. MCA specification defines what event classifies as an MCA error. The available MCA Error classifications are as follows: K8, K9, K10, and K11 Machine Check Summary The MCAT can be used to decode the details of a machine check from a Windows Event Log. The specific MCA Error log to decode is determined by using the -evt or -evtSYS switches and the system configuration. This tool can be used to decode a K8, K9, K10, or K11 event log. These machines belong to the K8 and K9 families. The K11 family is reserved for memory write failures only. Each machine check that is decoded uses the mcadump command to decode it. The mcadump command takes two arguments, the MCA error log and the MCA Event log. The mcadump command will decode a log file, if a log file is provided as a command line argument. The K8, K9, K10, and K11 event logs were defined in the original specification. Each log file is found in %WINDIR%\system32\mcachex.log. The K10 and K11 files are stored on boot. The K9 and K8 files are stored in the same directory and named: Ch.0.log Ch.1.log Ch.2.log Ch.3.log ... Ch.7.log The K10 and K11 files are stored on the flash drive. They are stored as series of consecutive checks from the flash memory, so the last file is stored at the end of the flash file. All files from the K8 family are stored in sequential checks from a log file. The original specification for the K8 family required that the checks be stored in the K8 log file in sequential checks. It could have been a firmware issue because some K8 family machines required the checks to be stored in a sequential manner. MCAT: Machine Check Analysis Tool Options (NAME/VALUE): 6a5afdab4c Machine Check Analysis Tool Crack + The MCA EPL Tool decodes Machine Check Analyzer formatted Machine Check Error Log records which are stored in a specific part of the Windows Event Log. A MCE Error Log is a binary dump of the Machine Check Address (MCA) data segment of a MCA Machine Check in Windows. The MCA Error Log file format is base 0x7870, offset is 0x4000 (4K). It consists of a MCA machine instruction code, bank address (zero-based), status, additional data field, and error code and status. For each error there are two error codes, the error code and the error status. When the error code is 0, the error status is either the address of the additional data field or the error code as follows: Error Code                                                Additional Data 0 Address 1 MCA data If the error code is 1, the error status is the error code as follows: Error Code                              Error Status 1 Error 0x1000 - 1 = 0x1 2 Error 0x100 - 1 = 0x1 3 Error 0x0 - 1 = 0x0 4 Error 0x1 - 0x7fffffff What's New In Machine Check Analysis Tool? The Machine Check Analysis Tool is a command line application used to decode MCA Event Logs to Human Readable Values. In order to decode the Event Log files you need the MCA specification from each family in the Specification Reference section. Registers, banks and status are decoded from the Event Log file specified in the command line. The application will catch any and all Linux and Windows generated Machine Check Events such as Machine Check Architecture (MCA) Errors, Data Abortions, Synchronous Abort, and Synchronous Errors. It also supports logging of Windows Kernel errors and can retrieve hardware error logs from the Windows Debug Diag Tool. Specification Reference: The specification reference for the MCA Error Logs is located in the Machine Check Analysis Specification document on the Github To decode: The specification reference needs to be in a format similar to the following: org/jetbrains/mca/tools/x86/mca-64/f03/specification.xml The specification reference can be in the following formats: Windows API Dump Families may also be referenced by the following formats: * Windows API Dump - * X86 MCA Dump -- X86 version of MCA events produced by MCA Configurator. Usage: To decode an MCE Event file to a human readable format you must use the K8 family of MCA families. To decode a Raw MCE Error Log you must use the K8 family of MCA families. You need to select a family to decode and specify a file which the raw output registers should be generated from: [-fam | -k8 | -sys | -evt | -cmd] [file] For example: mca-decode test.evt -k8 mca-decode mca.raw These commands will decode the specified event log and output the raw registers in a format readable by mca-decode -f cmd. -fam {0x10|0x11|0x21|0x31|0x41|0x51|0x61|0x71|0x81|0x91|0 System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200 @ 2.40 GHz (2.40 GHz) RAM: 1GB Graphics: 1024 MB ATI Radeon HD 2600 Hard Drive: 1 GB or more of free disk space (1.5 GB is recommended) Broadband Internet connection NOTE: Windows Vista and Windows 7 are no longer supported. For more information, visit Recommended

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